How To: Declutter Your Kitchen in 5 Steps

The kitchen may be one of the rooms in your home that is the easiest to get cluttered. Keeping your kitchen clean does not only involve washing the dirty dishes in the sink and wiping down the stove or dirty counters. A crucial step in maintaining a clean kitchen is making sure that everything in the kitchen is organized, whether they are items that are out in the open or whether they are items stored in the cabinets and drawers. This may include your plates, bowls, silverware, spices, ingredients, and more.

On top of these steps, it will be helpful to make a weekly checklist or kitchen maintenance sheet to make decluttering a habit. Keeping your kitchen clean is not a one-time-thing, but is an ongoing effort.

1. Clear off your counter tops.

Counter tops are the first things that catches the eye when you walk into a kitchen. The biggest tip to having a cleaner kitchen is making sure you have the least amount of items stored on your counter tops. To be able to do so, utilize all your storage space to keep all the items in your kitchen out of sight. If there are loose items that do need to be kept out, place them into pretty baskets or bowls.

Making it a habit to clear and organize your counter-tops often even allows you to have the open counter space every time you need it, so you don’t have to make the extra effort to push things aside or place items in random places when you do need the extra room on the counter.

2. Keep what you actually use/need.

One of the biggest components of a cluttered kitchen is having more dishes, utensils, and cups than you actually need. You should only need to keep just enough for regular use and for gatherings. To better identify what needs to be thrown out on top of this, look out for the dishes that have chips or cracks in them.

If there are any spices or ingredients you have only used once for that one recipe you made in the past, throw those out too. Those items will not only take up space in your kitchen, but may not even be used any time in the near future, so there would be no purpose in keeping them.

3. Utilize simple and affordable storage racks and lazy susans.

Storage racks and lazy susans are a good investment because they may go a long way in helping you with both organizing your kitchen and making your life easier the next time you’re looking for condiments or spices.

Using storage racks may allow you to stack your bowls on top of your plates without the hassle of difficult access to either. Using the height of your cabinet in this case allows you to place more things in the cabinet that you might have kept on your counter tops. Utilizing the height of your cabinets and shelves over the width of your cabinets and shelves allow you to have more space available for storage.

Using a lazy susan by grouping condiments and grouping spices will allow you to find what you need with a quick spin rather than digging through your cabinets.

4. Utilize storage containers and labels.

All the different sizes of the boxes and containers that your foods and ingredients came in may make your cabinets look cluttered. The best way to approach this is to repackage all those foods and ingredients into storage-friendly containers that allow organization,easy-access and decor to your kitchen. After repackaging, organize the containers into your shelves and cabinets according to their purposes. Then, use labels on the containers, shelves, and cabinets to create a user-friendly organizing system for you and the others in the household so everyone will know where to find things as well as where to put things away.

5. Group the items that have similar purposes.

Start by grouping the items in the kitchen that have a similar use and create zones for them in different parts of the kitchen. For example, all the mixing bowls and baking necessities can be organized in a specific shelf or drawer of itself so that the next time you bake, you will have all you need in one area. This helps you refrain from rummaging around all the shelves and drawers in your kitchen to find that one utensil you need, avoiding a future mess.

The kitchen is the perfect place to start because it is probably one of the areas of your home that you are in on a daily basis, making it easier to get cluttered. In order to take preventative measures, it is crucial that you tidy up the kitchen consistently. Keeping your kitchen organized is just one part of cleaning your home.

A clean home is a happy home. Happy tidying!

If you need any assistance, contact the Kovacs Connection Team today!

Courtesy of Cuselleration