How Parents in Mission Viejo are Helping Kids Develop A-List Study Habits

As a parent, it’s mission-critical: teaching your child good study habits in order to do well in school, and then in life. Televisions and cellphones are a normal part of a child’s life in 2017, but they can destroy his/her ability to concentrate. Here at The Kovacs Connection we put together a few tips to make homework more effective in less time!

Eliminate the Distractions

You know the feeling: you walk into a coffee shop with your laptop and plan on answering a few emails, and the person at the table next to you is nonstop chatty. It’s tough to concentrate on two things at once for an adult: much more so a growing child. Do your kids a favor and create an area away from the TV.

The kitchen table can be a great spot to spread out their books and papers, and as difficult as it can be, the cell phone needs to be put away during homework time. As the parent, you need to model this for them as well. Older students may push for a TV in their bedroom, but resist the urge: it’s easier to study in their rooms without the TV distracting them.

A computer is a ‘necessary evil’ because so many homework assignments are found online.  Make sure you check in with your child to see that the work is getting done, rather than browsing social media sites when they should be studying. There are a few software options to help parents limit internet distraction:

  • Self-Control for Macs: blocks a list of websites during study time
  • Cold Turkey for Windows
  • Stay Focused for Chrome Browsers
  • Leech Block for Firefox

Let There Be Light

Be sure there is plenty of light on the subject matter at hand. Overhead lights, lamps, windows can all help keep your child focused and awake.

Good Study Habits: We’re in This Together

It’s tough for children to concentrate while you are within earshot watching TV. While they are studying, finish up your work for the day. Maybe it’s laundry, writing lists, paying bills. You are modeling focused attention to a task, which will pay dividends in their future.

Set a Consistent Study Schedule When Possible

A lot of parents find providing a snack and a half hour of decompression after school can reset the ability to concentrate and focus. Extracurricular activities can alter the plan, but a focused hour of homework after school, and if needed, an hour after dinner can do the trick.

Write it Down

It’s been well-documented that people who write things down are more likely to remember them. You and your child should pick out a planner and calendar, and when they are old enough, have them write assignments down in the planner in order to take ownership of them and remember them.

Often, students come home with weekly folders that contain the assignments for the following week. Work with them to write them in their planners so there is a visual reminder of what’s coming up! Be sure and include vacations and holidays to keep them motivated!

Remember the Buddy System

Ask your child if they have a buddy who helps them with Math, or English, etc. Encourage them to get together to work through the material, quizzing each other in advance of tests. Just make sure you check in on them every now and then to make sure they are staying on task!

For more tips on living in Orange County, take a look at our past blogs here! And for more information about buying or selling a home in Mission viejo, give us a call today!

The Best Home Staging Tips to Sell Your Mission Viejo Home During the Fall Season

Fall Can Be Your Friend

Typically, the best time to sell your home is during the summertime. But many people who are looking to buy in Mission Viejo look all-year long for the right house. So this fall, it’s important to showcase your home at its best, so you can get the best deal at the closing table. So our team has packed up a few home staging tips as a guideline to get the most looks at your property. Yes, we know it’s a lot of work, but you need to pack it up anyway, and this gives you a head start while increasing the value of your property


Need we say more? Yes! We can all become blind to the clutter around us.

  • Pack up your books, clothes and personal items and place them in the garage or storage unit.
  • Family photos, the kid’s artwork on the refrigerator, all of it has to go.
  • Clear out your closets! Donate what you don’t wear to charity.
  • Have a dim light? Exchange it for a brighter one.
  • Do your doors open easily? If you’re hearing creaking, fix it.
  • Hire a professional cleaning service to deep-clean your home before it’s listed.

Home Staging Tips Room by Room: Living Room

Potential homebuyers have likely seen several homes before yours. How do you make your property stand out above the rest? Space and cleanliness. The living room is usually the first room they see, so make sure it looks terrific.

  • If there is a dark corner, light it up with a lamp.
  • If the fireplace has seen better days, scrub it clean.
  • If the room looks cluttered, remove the furniture that isn’t necessary to make it look bigger.
  • Keep the room simple, with a splash of color here and there.

The Kitchen

Yes, we know this is the room you most dread to clean. But a kitchen can sell a home or kill a deal, so it’s worth your time to invest in this arduous task.

  • Box up all the dishes, flatware, cookware and glassware except one matching set.
  • Have your cabinets seen better days? Think about a fresh coat of paint or stain.
  • Honestly evaluate your appliances. Need a good cleaning? Need to be replaced with stainless steel?
  • Scrub grime from backsplashes and cabinets.
  • Clean out the pantry, leaving some empty space: makes it look bigger
  • All trash cans need to be emptied and put away


The bedroom is, by nature, a personal space. However, when you are putting your home on the market, it needs to be a place where potential homebuyers can visualize it as their personal space. So that means taking care of a few things:

  • Pack up all the clothes you can to make your closets look more spacious.
  • Get a set of matching hangers to create a sense of balance and order in the closet.
  • Take away the knick-knacks that scream male or female.
  • Put your jewelry and other valuables away
  • If you have a video game console in the bedroom, put it away to create some serenity


Just like the kitchen, bathrooms can get grimy, and you may not even notice it. But a potential homebuyer who walks in certainly will see it all. To get an offer on the table, consider these tasks to make your bathroom a happy place.

  • Pull on those rubber gloves and let’s get some elbow grease working to de-grime the area.
  • Re-caulk around the tile if needed
  • De-clutter (there’s that word again) your countertop, around the tub, inside the shower.
  • Throw away, pack up or store your personal products.
  • Create a luxury spa feel with soft towels, candles and plants
  • Make sure the toilets aren’t leaking or running
  • If you have hard water stains try using vinegar to remove them

Contact The Kovacs Connection to get with a realtor who can list your home, and get it from ‘Listed’ to ‘Sold!!’

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Spiroview Inc