APR vs. Interest Rate

When applying for a mortgage, most people have heard two terminologies being used. Annual percentage rate (APR) is the total sum of loan you will be paying when you finally finish paying the mortgage. It is relatively different from the interest rate. The Interest rate (IR) is the daily cost you will be paying based on the existing balance on your mortgagee. For first time buyers, the terms will be new, and it’s good to understand the terms.

Mortgage interest rate?

This is the daily expense you will be incurring based on your loan and is usually expressed in a percentage rate. It’s calculated per day/per diem figure. Each month you are supposed to pay back a fraction of the amount you had borrowed together with the monthly accrued interest. The amortization formula will be used by your lender to come up with a payment schedule, which will show your mortgage interest on the loan and the principal.

The determinants of mortgage interest rate

The mortgage interest rates tend to fluctuate just like all the other financial variables. The mortgage interest rates can change daily depending on the trends and changes affecting the housing market.

Below are vital factors that affect the mortgage interest rates:

Borrower’s credit score

Lenders will use your credit score to determine your reliability when it comes to making timely payment of the loan. The credit score is just an official summary of your credit transactions. Customers who have higher credit scores get lower interest rates on their mortgage loans.

The principal amount and the down payment

Having a substantial down payment for your home will make lenders want give you a better interest rate since they assume that less risk is involved. A low down payment will require you to get a private mortgage insurance coverage. Also, when it comes to the loan type or prevailing circumstance, the closing costs and the mortgage insurance can be added to your mortgage loan.

Your home location

The location of the home will determine the interest rates, prime areas tend to have different standards compared regions that are not favored in the real estate industry. The location of your home can lower or raise the interest rates of your home.

What is a Mortgage APR?

APR involves a comprehensive measure of the expenses you will incur when borrowing money and is typically expressed in a percentage just like the interest rates. It will determine the total amount of money you will pay the lender annually for the entire time the loan is still active.

What determines my Mortgage APR?

The APR includes the mortgage interest rates, original mortgage fees, discounts points and additional expenses that are associated with getting the loan. A higher APR means higher monthly payments over the loan term.

Points To Note

When lenders market APRs, most of them provide rates the “ideal” market conditions like excellent credit scores by borrowers, spotless documentation, etc. Therefore depending on a borrower’s circumstances, the APR will be adjusted accordingly. The rates will go higher.

Are you in the market to purchase a home in Rancho Santa Margarita, Coto de Caza, or Mission Viejo? Click here to talk to the Ryan Grant Team today!

Top Performing Schools in Mission Viejo

Location, location, location. We typically think of that in terms of where to place a business for maximum visibility and exposure to traffic. But it also means that buying a home in the right location can give your children a wonderful public education. There are 78 schools located in the Mission Viejo area, and they enjoy high educational rankings in the state of California. At the Kovacs Connection, we know as potential homeowners, you are interested in how the schools rank, so we thought we’d give you the latest stats for schools in Mission Viejo.

Here is the list of the Great Schools Rankings for individual schools in Mission Viejo.

Good schools start with great teachers, and teachers want to work here. For example, in just 3 days, the Capistrano Unified School District had 278 applicants for teaching positions. Below are a few comments from parents from an elementary school, an intermediate school, and high school. These are representative of all the schools in the Mission Viejo area, but will give you an idea of the quality of instruction and the parents’ feelings about their child’s education here.

Parents’ Reviews for De Portola Elementary School

“We’ve been through three excellent principals during our time with De Portola. Each principal brought a unique perspective and personality to the school, and I feel that my students have thrived with each change. Have there been bumps in the road, yes – but when we personally encountered one, the principal at the time took his time to work with us to find solutions and made sure that we were all a team working for the best solution for our student. We couldn’t have asked for a better response.”

“My daughter transferred to this school in the beginning of 3rd grade, too late to be tested for GATE for that year. She thrived in GATE during her 4th grade year earning top honors throughout the year. Transferring from Anneliese Academy, a small private school, to de Portola was the best decision we’ve made for her education and sociological development. I’m proud to have my daughter at de Portola and I’m grateful for the opportunities she’s been given.”

“De Portola fosters both strong academics and a great community environment for the students. There is great parent involvement to pull off a number of fun events throughout the year…”

Parents’ Reviews for La Paz Intermediate School

“It has been amazing! I was really concerned with my son going to middle school but this has been so organized that my son has done very well there, and he has made good friends.”

“My 8th grader has really soared at this school. He went from average grades to all A’s and a few B’s. It is obvious how much the teachers enjoy teaching by their enthusiasm and my own student’s development. The parent involvement is pretty great. Those parents who are involved put in 100% and put together: International Day, 7th grade Renaissance Fair, Zombie Fundraiser, etc.”

Parents’ Reviews for Capistrano Valley High School

“I love this school! My boys have had a great High School experience and I couldn’t be happier. The staff is always very helpful, our principal has an open door policy and genuinely cares for our students, and we have had great experiences with the teachers that my boys have had.”

“CVHS is really an amazing school that is a source of pride here in Mission Viejo. The biggest gem is the guidance department. My son’s academic advisor did everything should could to take care of my son and he will be attending UC Berkeley next year after a great educational experience in the AP Program at this school.”

“I am a parent of a Freshman at Capo and am thrilled my daughter is attending this school! The academics are challenging, the teachers are motivated to teach, and the Principal takes an active interest in the students. I’ve also received wonderful support form the Guidance department.”

We know that if you have children, or are planning to start a family, that the school district is a huge determination in where you buy. Our Kovacs Connection Team are experts in knowing the best schools in Mission Viejo and can pinpoint you in the right direction, so call us today!

Tap the Equity in Your Home with These 5 Reverse Mortgage Tips

If you’re in your sixties and own your home, chances are you have heard about reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgages allow you to tap the equity in your property. But they have risks and could be costly. Here are five tips you should consider:

1. Weighing your options

Whether you need money to pay bills or could use some extra cash, a reverse mortgage should be your last resort. Other options include selling your home and downsizing or renting. You can also take out a home equity loan or line of credit. If credit cards are the issue, you can consider consolidating that debt. If paying real estate taxes or house maintenance costs are the problem, look into local government assistance programs that could help. You have a lot of options. So ask your state agency on aging about lower-cost, less risky ways to fulfill your needs.

2. Understanding the costs, fees and risks

Even though you will not be making any interest payments as long as you live in your home, your interest rate matters. If you choose to move, you will have to pay back the reverse mortgage plus compounded interest. The same thing is true if you have to leave your home for more than twelve months. You should ask about all costs and fees which includes any prepayment penalties.

3. Recognizing the full impact of your decision

The income or lump sum you receive can affect your eligibility or your spouse’s eligibility for a variety of state and federal benefits. This includes Medicaid. It may not have the same home-equity protection that would otherwise apply if you have a health emergency and need to enter a nursing home that you can only pay for by liquidating assets.

4. Getting independent advice

Reverse mortgages are known to be complicated transactions. The federal government requires borrowers to meet with HUD-approved counselors prior to getting a federally guaranteed loan. You will need to confirm that any counselor recommended by your lender is truly independent. You could do this by asking whether he or she receives any funding from the lender or the mortgage industry.

While many loans are federally guaranteed, most lenders offer proprietary loans that are not. Even if you are applying for a proprietary loan, it is a good idea to get advice from a trusted financial adviser who has no interest in either the reverse mortgage or any investment you plan to make with the proceeds. Prior to agreeing to a reverse mortgage, you should consult with legal and tax professionals who know the consequences of reverse mortgages for residents of your state and who are not connected in any other way to the transaction or the lender.

5. Being skeptical of reverse mortgages

Be very skeptical if someone urges you to get a reverse mortgage to make an investment or buy an insurance product or a security. You should particularly do this if they are promising high returns. They are encouraging you to speculate with your home equity. You might need for more critical purposes down the road. If you cannot afford to get a low return or the loss of your home, you should not be investing with your home equity funds.

Are you in the market to purchase a home in Rancho Santa Margarita, Coto de Caza, or Mission Viejo? Click here to talk to the Ryan Grant Team today!

3 Secrets to Investing in Real Estate

Real estate is most likely missing from your investment portfolio. From many investment advisors not wanting to tell you advice for investments they do not earn a commission on, to the horror stories of becoming a landlord and dealing with stopped up toilets and irritated tenants, investing in real estate oftentimes gets pushed to the side. Even though at the same time, all of us know real estate’s cash generating potential and we instinctively want a piece of it.

You must be ardent in your desire to add real estate to your portfolio because no one else will tell you it is a good idea. To capture the unique tax advantages afforded in real estate, you should learn how to evaluate a real estate transaction yourself and must decide which type of real estate investment matches your personality and how you would invest. When you conclude real estate meets your need for reliable cash flow with the opportunity for appreciation, you should invest in it.

1. Defeat your allies

In many cases, your trusted and paid advisors such as your wealth manager, broker or tax accountant may suggest you avoid real estate in your portfolio altogether. They usually give the same tired reasons that it is too management intensive. Those could be valid arguments based on your specific situation, but that’s not the real reason they want you to avoid real estate.

Stockbrokers do not get paid for you to invest in real estate. There is nothing in it for them, unless they want you to buy a high-cost non-traded REIT, but now you will know their true motivation. You need to do your own research to decide if the potential cash flow from real estate is right for you.

2. Grade school arithmetic

Real estate is a numbers game, but you might be surprised to know that you learned all of the skills necessary in grade school. To decide whether or not to go with a potential investment, you will only need a few key formulas and nothing will be more difficult than long division. Once you have mastered these concepts, you will have the numerical tools to effectively underwrite real estate investments.

3. Use a taxable account

Why try to avoid taxes by investing through an 401k or IRA when the government brings tax advantages to real estate? The cash flow that you receive may not be entirely what the IRS considers taxable income especially in the early years of a real estate investment. Non-cash items like depreciation and amortization will serve to dramatically reduce your taxable income but have no impact on your cash flow. Taxable losses can be wasted in an 401k or IRA but have great value in your taxed account.

Real estate needs to be a part of a diversified investment portfolio when it comes to retirement in particular. You will take ownership of your investment future by equipping yourself with the proper tools to evaluate transactions and the self-awareness to seek out real estate investments when others tell you not to.

Do you have questions about investing in real estate? Click here to contact our partners at the Ryan Grant Team today! And if you’re ready to start searching homes let us know!

Deed vs. Title in Orange County

When a couple purchases a house, whose name gets written on the title and whose name goes on the mortgage deed? For most homebuyers, the simple answer will be that both names go on both documents. But there are always exceptions with good reason. Here are a few things to know about this complex topic before you buy a home.

What’s the Difference Between Title and Mortgage

It is worth clarifying for the uninitiated that a property title and mortgage deed are not the same thing. The term “title” particularly refers to the rights of ownership. A title grants an individual or individuals exclusive possession, use and transfer of ownership rights for a given real estate property. A mortgage, called a “deed of trust” in some states, pledges real property to secure the loan.

Just over half of home buyers will use a home loan to purchase their home. This means that they will have both a title and a mortgage. For these people, a decision will need to be made about whose name gets written on the title and the mortgage. Since both documents are not the same, this answer for each could vary.

Leaving Your Spouse Off the Mortgage

There may be a good reason to apply for a mortgage under only one name for some couples. Mortgage lenders usually apply a minimum FICO rule. This is when the credit score used to judge the mortgage application is the middle-lower score of the two applicants. If one person has bad credit, it could affect the interest rate they qualify for and lead to higher costs.

A short or unusual work history is a common reason some couples go with a joint mortgage application. Most lenders have “2/2/2” documentation requirements. This is two years of tax returns, two years of W2 income statements and two months of bank statements.

Saving Money by Applying for a Loan By Yourself

The Washington Post recently reported on a twelve-year study by the Federal Reserve that found many couples were leaving money on the table by applying jointly when one spouse could have qualified for the mortgage alone, and the results were striking.

Out of more than six hundred thousand conventional loans issued between 2003 and 2015, ten percent could have qualified for a lower interest rate by having the better-qualified buyer apply alone.Nearly ten percent of prime borrowers who applied for their loans jointly could have lowered their mortgage interest rate at least one-eighth of one percentage point if the mortgage was applied for by the applicant with a higher credit score and an income high enough to qualify for the mortgage loan. Federal economists revealed that a further twenty-five percent of borrowers could have significantly reduced the cost of their home loan by having the more qualified borrower apply singly.

How Both Names Could Be on the Title and Not the Mortgage

The same Washington Post article noted that many couples applying for a home loan have strong feelings about applying jointly for their mortgage loan. While the couple is purchasing the house together, there is a feeling of joint ownership that is important to them, even though both individuals could be on the legal title to the house without both being on the mortgage. This arrangement is also available to both married and unmarried couples.

But how can this be? A mortgage deed involves an agreement to pay back the loan amount borrowed to buy the home. But the title is a separate matter of ownership entirely.

Issues Raised by Deed and Title Assignment

Divorce is a common issue for houses with a joint mortgage or title. If a house is paid for, lawyers will usually look for a way to divide up the assets. This oftentimes gets accomplished through a quitclaim deed, where one party gives their ownership rights over to the former spouse. If there is a mortgage loan on the home, lawyers then look at ways to divide liabilities. The party who remains in the house will often refinance the loan individually before the other party cedes ownership through a quitclaim.

Another common question is what happens to a title and mortgage loan when one spouse dies. As with most matters in real estate, it oftentimes depends on the location. The laws governing property transfer upon death and inheritance are largely chosen at the state level and not all states agree on the best way to go about it.

Are you in the market to purchase a home in Rancho Santa Margarita, Coto de Caza, or Mission Viejo? Click here to talk to the Ryan Grant Team today!

Top 7 Valentines Day Ideas in Orange County

Love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate the month of love than with your special someone! Orange County is the perfect place to spend a romantic getaway from dreamy gondola rides to enchanting picnics with a view. We’ve listed a few incredible events and ideas we know you and your special someone will love for Valentines Day and any day!

Valentine Hike+Picnic with a View
1000 Steps Beach
31972 Coast Hwy
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Orange County is known for its splendid views and nature strolls. Start off your day with an easy hike to A Thousand Steps Beach, and enjoy a romantic picnic with your significant other. Scope out the beach and discover tide pools and secret caves.

Facade Fun House
The Lab Anti-Mall
2930 Bristol street
Costa mesa, CA 92627

Have some fun at Facade Fun House in The Lab, Costa Mesa. You and your special someone will adore this interactive exhibition where you can take hundreds of photos and post it all over social media.

Liven up with some Cuban Flare
708 Spectrum Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618

If you love authentic Cuban food and Cuban flare, enjoy a lively and romantic meal at the Habana. It is known for their romantic atmosphere with candle-lit ambiance and delicious culinary creations.

Escape Rooms in Orange County
4245 E La Palma Ave
Anaheim, CA 92807

Have a group date and be entertained rummaging your way through these escape games. Rated #1 best escape room in Orange County and Los Angeles, Cross Roads Escape Games is known for its clever and unusual themes, which your team will no doubt love.

Wine Tasting
26755 Verdugo St
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Time to unwind and taste some delicious wine in Orange County’s largest winery. Stocked with over 50 different offerings, you and your special someone will lose track of time delighting yourselves in the abundance of wine. Feeling a little hungry after? You’re in luck! Rancho Capistrano Winery is also home to delicious creations from Chef Adrian de La Torre. It’s no wonder this winery was named “Best Overall Restaurant” in San Juan Capistrano.

Romantic Gondola Ride
3101 West Coast Hwy #110
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Relax and make a romantic gesture by taking your significant other on a gondola ride. Create memories and float swiftly through canals and watch the beautiful horizon as the sun sets.

Valentine’s Day Garden Dinner
Farmhouse at Roger’s Garden
2301 San Joaquin Hills Rd
Unit #5
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625

Indulge in this romantic getaway restaurant, nestled on over 7 acres of land in the heart of Newport Beach. You and your special someone will love the ambiance and fresh cuisine picked right out of the garden.

Orange County is not only the perfect Valentine’s Day destination, but an even better place to live! Contact The Kovacs Connection Team to learn more.

How to Prepare to Buy an Orange County Home in 2018

The home-buying process is extensive and could be overwhelming. This is especially true for new homeowners who don’t do their homework.

If you are in the market to buy a home next year, now is the time to start preparing. We are here to help!

Getting Pre-Approved

The moment you choose to buy a house, work with a mortgage lender to get pre-approved for a mortgage loan. Knowing how much you qualify for will narrow down your options and direct your research.

But do not overextend yourself. Just because you qualify for a two hundred fifty thousand dollar loan, this does not mean your house should cost two hundred fifty thousand dollars. You need to consider other expenses such as taxes, interest payments and homeowners insurance.

Prioritize Your Top Priorities

After you have an idea of how much you would like to spend, make a decision on the lifestyle that suits you and your family. You should consider factors like proximity to shopping and entertainment, great schools and how much land you would like. Deciding what is most important to you will help further focus your search.

Start Saving Money

Most mortgage lenders require a down payment towards your mortgage loan, which could be up to twenty percent. If you do not have enough money at your disposal, you can save for a bit longer or perhaps borrow against your IRA or retirement account.

Despite how you come up with the initial deposit, make sure you can prove the source of the funds. Lenders will not accept cash payments and if your down payment was a gift from a generous giver, be prepared to bring a gift letter.

Count the Cost

You need to also be prepared for other out-of-pocket expenses during the home buying process. You will need money for things like closing costs and home inspections before your close, appliances, furniture and utilities afterwards. Do your homework to understand how much money you will be paying upfront and save accordingly.

Credit Matters

You need to be extra careful with your credit during this process. Review your credit report and make sure there are no inaccuracies. Don’t open new credit accounts and make major purchases. Several inquiries could negatively impact your credit score. This can impact your loan decision and your interest rate.

Hire a Pro

When it comes to finding your dream house, you shouldn’t have to go at it alone. A qualified real estate agent is familiar with the ever-changing real estate market and can guide you through the process. This includes contract negotiations.

A mortgage lender can help you make a wise choices based your monthly budget and lifestyle needs. They also share tricks and tips with you along the way to save you time and money.

Clean House

When you find the perfect home, you will be moving in a matter of weeks. Take the time early in the process to get rid of items you do not want to bring with you. Starting this early on will make it easier to pack when the time comes.

Are you in the market to buy a home in Coto de Caza, Rancho Santa Margarita, or Mission Viejo? Click here to talk to the Ryan Grant Team today!

8 New Year’s Resolutions to Make in Mission Viejo

You know the feeling: the morning of January 1st, and you want to start fresh. New Year’s resolutions can be wiping away what you didn’t like about 2017, and starting fresh. But what resolutions make sense?

Let’s Start Moving More

There are so many step trackers and pedometers on the market now that it just makes sense to try and hit 10,000 steps a day. Walking, and moving more increases your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and risk of several types of cancer. Plus, it just makes you happier, with those endorphins floating around. So make the choice to strap on the pedometer of your choice and get moving!

Let’s Learn Something Today

Keeping your brain active and engaged is just as important as the number of steps you take; maybe more so. It is important to stretch your mind as well as your muscles. Don’t go to the same 3 or 4 websites you read every day; expand your horizons. TED talks can be a great way to expose your brain to new ideas. You can find them on YouTube and just find one talk a day (none of them area very long) that interests you.

Let’s Meditate or Pray

Did you know that praying and meditating lowers your blood pressure, lessens anxiety and improves your mood? Getting quiet and intentional about meditation and prayer can get you better ready for the day.

It’s Play Time!

We can get so wrapped up in our day-to-day lives that we forget how to play. Find a 4 year-old and they can show you! Allow yourself the option to kick back and play like there’s nobody watching!

Take Time for Thanks

Stop. Really stop, and think about your life, and the blessings you enjoy. We spend so much time thinking about what we don’t have, or what we should have, or what we could have had, that we don’t appreciate what we have right in front of us. People who make a conscious effort to be grateful are better able to overcome adversity, and they sleep better, too. Plus, they have happier relationships with other people. Guess why? The other people know they are appreciated, which makes them happier to be around… you! Win, win.

Time to Let Procrastination Go

Yes, if you are a procrastinator, you won’t like this very much. But it’s still true. Decide that in 2018 procrastination is not your friend. Oftentimes, the best thing to do is to do what you are dreading the most first. You get it out of the way, and everything else is easy. Try it once and see if you agree.

Bucket List Time

There is nothing like travel to hit the ‘reset’ button on your life. We can get so involved in our own worlds that we fail to see the greater world around us. Travel allows us the opportunity to meet people from a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds, and can open our eyes to new sights and perspectives.
Nature’s Cool: Chill Out

In general, we spend far too much time in front of our TV’s, our computers, and our smart phones. We spend very little time hanging out in nature. It is amazing how gratifying and happy it can make you to observe nature. See what happens when a pair of cardinals build a nest close to your back door, or when wrens decide to lay some eggs in a hanging pot. Nature is astoundingly beautiful and interesting. Don’t miss it!

So you have your New Year’s resolutions figured out: how do you want to spend the last day of 2017? Ring in the new year with these magnificent events around Orange County!
New Year’s Eve Ideas

New Year’s Eve Yacht Party— Newport Harbor

You can ring in the new year aboard the 130-foot yacht The Ambassador. The floating party includes champagne, appetizers and a dance floor.

Disneyland will be the scene for parades, shows and fireworks at Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure. The fireworks shows will be held at 9:30pm and 11:59pm.

There will be a Senior’s New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance at Dana Point. The fun will be held at the Dana Point Community center on Del Obispo Street.

Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park will celebrate the new year with shows, parties and fireworks on December 31st.

New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner Cruise — Newport Beach

Hornblower Cruises is hosting a dinner cruise which will board at 8:30pm at Hornblower South.

At The Kovacs Connection, we love connecting with you to find the perfect home! Let our team of professionals assist you in finding your perfect spot for the new year!

After the Wildfires: Real Estate Prices in SoCal

The wildfires that have scorched so many acres in northern California have come south, fueled by the Santa Ana winds. As of mid-December, close to 235,000 acres have burned, more than 1000 structures have been destroyed, $48 million (and growing) has been spent on fighting just the Thomas fire alone, and more than 200,000 people have reportedly been evacuated from their homes in Southern California.

More than 86 thousand homes in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties could suffer damage from the latest SoCal fires, and that could mean almost $30 billion to rebuild.

So what does all this mean for SoCal buyers and sellers, in an already-tight housing market? Some buyers are looking to find apartment rentals while the smoke clears, but there were few affordably priced rentals before the fires began, so the rental market was already tight. As for single family homes, more than 2 million homes in California are considered at high or extremely high risk from wildfires. That information is from the 2017 Verisk Wildfire Risk Analysis report. That is 15% of all the state’s households.

Is There a Difference in NorCal and SoCal Real-Estate Values After the Fires?

Probably. October’s NorCal fires killed 44 people and damaged more than 20,000 homes, costing more than $9.4 billion in insurance claims. Generally after a major disaster, real estate prices drop, but not so in NorCal. In fact, prices actually shot up in Sonoma and Napa Counties. Consider also that home prices typically fall a bit this time of year as we enter a slower market during the holidays. Experts in the area claim many residents still want to remain in the area, even if their neighborhoods have been blackened by fire. The homes left undamaged following the fire are going $100-200K above asking price, with many paying cash for their homes. They are planning to rebuild their neighborhoods and communities and intend to stay through the rebuild.

But What About SoCal?

If SoCal history is our guide, homeowners generally take a hit on homes post-disaster. If a home is not damaged, but in a neighborhood with a lot of wildfire-damaged homes, they can expect to take about a 10% hit on the price of their home if they put it on the market. The number could be higher if your home is on a burned-out block, and less if the neighborhood is mostly unscathed.

If your home was damaged by the wildfires in SoCal, you are likely to face higher construction costs to get it up and ready to sell. Demand is high for construction workers and materials, and there is always the conversations (which can be lengthy) with the insurance companies about what they will and won’t cover. Often insurance companies don’t place a value on the land, which can be a significant portion of the selling price in Southern California.

Is It Just My Imagination?

No, it’s not. The wildfire season is lasting longer. Used to be, the wildfire concern was from May to early November. By December, we are generally out of the wildfire zone. But our hot Santa Ana winds are pushing the flames through dried-out vegetation that act like kindling to keep the blazes burning. The drought this year has exacerbated the problem.

Getting Professional Guidance

If you are either in the market to buy in one of our featured locations in Southern California, or you are thinking of selling, it is important now, more than ever, that you reach out to a trusted source for real estate knowledge and guidance. The Kovacs Connection team can help you navigate through the ups and downs of the market to help you realize your dreams in making your next home move!

Seller’s Market: Ways to Sell Your Home For Top Dollar

Shoot Me On My Best Side

You’ve heard it said, ‘You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.’ That’s why if you are selling your home during the winter months, it helps if you have photos of your home at its best. Have you taken any pictures of your home when the flowers are blooming and the grass is green? If so, be sure your trusted real estate agent has seen them, in order to incorporate them into the marketing of your property.

As to photos of your interior, be sure they don’t have holiday decorations in them, as they will have a longer marketing shelf life come mid-January.

Clutter Be Gone!

You’ve got to get rid of the unnecessary stuff! You’ll have to do it when you move anyway, so why wait? Getting rid of clutter can help potential buyers see the real space available in your home. Don’t skip this step once you have decided to sell. Some people hire home stagers to declutter, and get your furniture in the exactly the right spot to showcase the ‘bones’ of your home. Your potential buyers need to envision themselves in the space, and your darling family photos need to be tucked away for now. Our experienced team of real estate experts can help you figure out what needs to go, or be stored, in order to show your home at its best.
Now Where’s My Paintbrush?

Once the clutter is gone, your real estate agent can help you assess what needs to be fixed before putting your property on the market. Is there chipping paint? Cabinet doors that don’t close well? Stained carpet? All of these, and other things, underscore a home that is not well-cared for. So do your bank account a favor, and invest in a little elbow grease time and handyman time to give you a better outcome at closing time!

Selling Your Home When The Price is Right

One of the biggest mistakes home sellers make is pricing their home too high for the market. If it is out-of-bounds with the comparable home prices in the area, buyers will pass it up, meaning your home sits more days on the market. More days on the market mean less interest in the property, or low ball offers when they think you may be desperate. That’s why our team at The Kovacs Connection takes all the variables into consideration when discussing the price of your home. You want a good, fair price for your home, and we can help you get it!

Don’t Forget Curb Appeal in the Winter

If you’ve taken pictures of your home during the most beautiful times of the year, that’s great, and will be a bonus to people checking out the agency’s website listings. But don’t forget about curb appeal. If a buyer is interested in your home, he or she may drive past it soon. So be sure your property looks well taken care of. Shrubs need to be trimmed, any weeds pulled, if there are hearty flowering plants like pansies or ornamental kale to plant, they can bring a freshness and color to your entryway.

Illumination Can Be a Deal Maker

Remember, most people coming to see your home will see it after work, which in the winter time means coming at dusk or after dark. If your home’s exterior is dark it will be a ‘turn off’ for the potential buyer. Make sure your exterior lighting is inviting, and illuminates the walkways to make it easy for your buyers to approach the property ‘in its best light.’ You can buy solar-powered lights that you can strategically place next to the steps up to your home that is a luminescent ‘welcome mat’ to your property.

Go Get Some Coffee

Finally, your real estate team at The Kovacs Connection have honed their skills to showcase your property at its best. There is a tendency for some home sellers to stick around during showings. Don’t. It makes the potential buyer uncomfortable, as if they are interrupting you at home, and it can steer them away from giving your home the attention it deserves. So enjoy that cup of coffee and wait to hear what the potential buyers have to say!